Vejledning til opgave 4 i Web of Science under luppen. Gennemgang af hvordan du kan lave pivottabeller baseret på dit søgeresultat. af Søren Davidsen 2022 CC-BY-SA
Vejledning til opgave 2 i Web of Science under luppen. Gennemgang af facetten Usage og hvad det kan bruges til. af Søren Davidsen 2022 CC-BY-SA
Short introduction to the Library service at SAXO / ToRs and the South Campus Library. By Charlotte Arnholtz og Undervisningsteamet 2021 CC-BY-SA
Grundlæggende intro til hvordan man kan lave en bloksøgning med boolske operatorer og wildcards med eksempel i Web of Science.
Hvor finder du artikeldatabaserne, hvad karakteriserer dem, hvad indeholder de, hvilke oplysninger er med, Web of Science som eksempel på database
Short introduction to the Library service at KOMM IKK and the South Campus Library. By Charlotte Arnholtz og Undervisningsteamet 2021 CC-BY-SA
Short introduction to the Library service at NorS and the South Campus Library. By Charlotte Arnholtz og Undervisningsteamet 2021 CC-BY-SA
Short introduction to the Library service at Engerom and the South Campus Library. By Charlotte Arnholtz og Undervisningsteamet 2021 CC-BY-SA
Short introduction to the Library service at ITU and the South Campus Library. By Charlotte Arnholtz og Undervisningsteamet 2021 CC-BY-SA
Part four of four in the search process tutorials. Introducing the systematic search method. af Charlotte Arnholtz 2021 CC-BY-SA
Part three of four in the search process tutorials. Introducing the chain search method. af Charlotte Arnholtz 2021 CC-BY-SA
Part two of four in the search process tutorials. Introducing the search method random search. af Charlotte Arnholtz 2021 CC-BY-SA
Part one of four in the search process tutorials. Introducing the three main search methods. af Charlotte Arnholtz 2021 CC-BY-SA
Introduction to how to use truncation, quotation marks and boolean operators to refine your literature search. af Charlotte Arnholtz 2021 CC-BY-SA
Short tutorial on how to request a book. af Charlotte Arnholtz 2021 CC-BY-SA
Introduction to the Advanced search function in the Library system. af Charlotte Arnholtz 2021 CC-BY-SA