What can you do with Edumedia 2.0?
Edumedia 2.0 lets all users with a WAYF login upload and publish videos on Edumedia.dk. Videos can be embedded on any website with a simple embed code and they can be played on most common platforms such as Windows, Mac OS X, Android and iOS.
How do I report abuse?
If you experience abuse of Edumedia (e.g. copyright infringement or violation of the Data Protection Law), you can use the function "report content as inappropriate" that is available nearby all videos (marked as a flag).
How do I report a bug?
Please send a mail to servicedesk explaining the problem, and possibly also the circumstances that triggered the bug (this way we will be able to reproduce the problem, which makes it easier correct). If you are able to supply information on the operating system and browser you used (e.g. Firefox 3.0.1 MacOS 10.5.4), it is much appreciated.
Why is Edumedia in English?
Most Danes are good at English, and even more so within academia. By providing Edumedia in English we cater for foreign students as well. Besides this, it makes it easier for us to e.g. establish collaborations with foreign media repositories, archives etc.
What are the terms of use?
Read the terms of service for contributors and for end users.
If you have technical questions, you can contact our servicedesk.